People – Never Underestimate How Important They Are in the World of Customer Experience

Over the last few weeks, I am saddened to confirm that I have been on the receiving end of some shocking customer experiences. Only recently, I wrote a post describing my shambolic experiences in Zimbabwe and South Africa. Whilst many of the issues I faced were as a result of poorly designed and managed customer [...]

‘Yes you can!’ – Doing the right thing for customers does not have to be difficult – it is just normal!

For the last three years, anyone who has followed my writing exploits will be fully aware that I am keen on sharing a story or two…or three…or four!! I have always believed that a good story can bring to life any theory and when it comes to the world of Customer Experience, the power of [...]

Do you love Aldi? What other brands could learn from the Aldi experience

Let me get one thing straight - I do not love Aldi. However, just to confuse you, I can also say that I do not dislike Aldi either. One thing is for sure - millions of UK consumers do love Aldi, including Mrs Golding! In September 2013, Aldi reported a rise in annual revenue of 41% (bringing [...]

By |2015-04-13T13:24:15+01:00January 28th, 2014|Customer retention and loyalty, Retail|17 Comments
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