‘Could you care less?’ Why ‘caring’ is essential if you want to deliver great customer experiences

This is a tale that readers of my blog are likely to empathise with. It is a tale of large organisations who purport to talk of delivering 'world class' customer service, and continuously improving customer experiences. It is a tale which shows that however hard they convince themselves that they are 'customer focussed', they still [...]

Trust – the embodiment of customer experience

Trust – a small word that means so much. It is a word that plays an enormous part in all our lives. A word that epitomises our start in life – from the minute we enter in to the world, we immediately have complete trust in the people who care for us. As we grow [...]

By |2024-02-07T10:54:30+00:00April 25th, 2013|Customer retention and loyalty|3 Comments
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