‘Don’t judge a book by its cover’ – Justin King’s response

Many of you that read the blog post featuring the experience of Helen Kewell (https://ijgolding.com/2013/02/11/dont-judge-a-book-by-its-cover-it-does-not-matter-what-you-look-like-a-customer-is-a-customer/) will be extremely interested to know if Sainsburys responded to the blog. You have probably guessed by the title of this post that they did. To their credit, Sainsburys responded very quickly, advising that it would be passed directly to their [...]

‘Don’t judge a book by its cover’ – it does not matter what you look like, a customer is a customer

This is Helen Kewell. I met Helen and her husband Nick last year whilst attempting to climb too many mountains in too short a space of time. Helen is a very intelligent, witty, attractive mum of three - I am sure she will not mind me saying that she does not look like she has [...]

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