‘Thank You’! The two most important ‘Customer Experience’ words of all

'Thank You'. Two little words. Two words containing a total of eight letters. As a parent you spend most of your life teaching your children to use the words regularly. As a child, you are constantly reminded of their importance. It is unlikely you have ever looked up the dictionary definition of 'thank you' - so [...]

By |2015-04-13T15:37:14+01:00August 20th, 2014|CX Strategy, People|6 Comments

Building a Customer-Centric Culture– it’s all about the 3 L’s!

Whenever you start to talk about the concept of a 'customer centric culture', you run the risk of doing the following: Sounding as though you have magic powers that can 'change the world' Sounding ‘fluffy’ Sounding like a ‘consultant’ Now there is nothing wrong with any of those things in principle. I have always aspired [...]

By |2015-04-13T13:27:06+01:00September 30th, 2013|CX Professionals, General, People|2 Comments
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