Heart or head first? Which is more important in driving great Customer Experiences?

One of my Fathers most memorable quotes when I was a young boy was 'engage your brain before opening your mouth!' - I am unlikely to be the only adult who was given this type of advice in their youth! Talking from the heart; saying what I want to say; saying what I believe in; [...]

‘You could win £500!!’ Should you incentivise customer feedback?

I have often wondered about the pros and cons of incentivising customer feedback. I am not sure what kind of person this makes me - hopefully one that is forever focussed on all of the things around us that can and will contribute to customer experiences being made better! Capturing customer feedback is not easy. [...]

By |2015-04-13T13:27:34+01:00September 9th, 2013|Customer Journeys, CX Measurement|2 Comments
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