The customer conniption! Identifying the ‘final straw’ moment

Every day, every week, every month, every year, I learn something new. It is one of the reasons I obsess with calling myself a ‘specialist’, not an ‘expert’. Specialists never stop learning and I am regularly reminded that there nuggets of knowledge waiting around every corner. A few weeks ago, a fellow Customer Experience Specialist [...]

Customer or Hostage? The unfortunate story of the UK passenger rail industry

If you happen to live in the UK and regularly have to rely on public transport to commute to and from work, the heralding of a brand spanking new year is unlikely to have filled you with much joy - from the commuting perspective that is. Travelling to and from work can rarely be described [...]

How to spectacularly fail your customers and damage your brand – by British Airways

Before I start this post, I must first make a couple of sincere apologies. As a result of travelling a great deal, I often write about my experiences of doing so. Some of the best and worst experiences I have ever had have been whilst travelling. I acknowledge how lucky I am to go to [...]

Customer Experience Sustainability: don’t let your CX house fall down!

Have you ever wondered why it is still more common than not for us to have to endure experiences as a customer that fail to meet our basic expectations? On an almost daily basis, customers are faced with companies across a multitude of industries who fail to deliver promises; provide service from employees with a less [...]

Explaining the power of customer expectation: stories of splashing sinks, free tea and broken curtains!

Last week was as manic as they get for me. Prague, Oxford, London and Copenhagen were all on my itinerary in a mad, exciting and fruitful five days. Despite all the travelling I do these days, I am still someone who gets excited about travelling to places I have never been before. I often do not get much [...]

By |2015-04-13T15:30:54+01:00November 18th, 2014|Customer retention and loyalty, Travel|3 Comments

‘Without customers you would not exist’ – an open letter to all CEOs on behalf of customers everywhere

  Dear Chief Executive Officers (of all companies in all industries everywhere) I am writing this letter on behalf of your customers - consumers; businesses; young; old; male; female. For centuries, people have purchased goods and services from those able to provide things that are needed. From food to clothes to technology to construction to [...]

By |2015-04-13T13:17:53+01:00August 1st, 2014|Customer retention and loyalty|2 Comments

‘Could you care less?’ Why ‘caring’ is essential if you want to deliver great customer experiences

This is a tale that readers of my blog are likely to empathise with. It is a tale of large organisations who purport to talk of delivering 'world class' customer service, and continuously improving customer experiences. It is a tale which shows that however hard they convince themselves that they are 'customer focussed', they still [...]

Facebook is not even 10 years old! How technology and innovation is influencing the customer experience

My eldest daughter Ciara is 10. When she came into the world, Facebook did not exist. It was still just an innovative idea being developed in the mind of its founder, Mark Zuckerberg. A little over three years ago, the iPad did not exist. First launched in April 2010, it is hard to remember what life was like without [...]

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